Wednesday, 20 May 2020


Having library butterflies was such a fun experience last year, I knew that I wanted to do it again this year. However with our library being closed, the caterpillars have been bunking with me and my family in our home. They came to us as wee little things, and spent their days eating and growing.

Once they were ready, they climbed to the top of the enclosure and attached themselves to the netting by their bottoms. They then hung upside down, curling just slightly into a "J" shape. They stayed like this until they are completely enclosed in their chrysalis. Having the larvae at home really gave me the opportunity to keep a close eye on them. From what I observed, it took the caterpillars about a day and a half to form a complete chrysalis. Soon they will be Painted Lady Butterflies!

In about 7-10 days they will emerge from their chrysalis, and their metamorphosis will be complete. I will be sure to share with you how many survive, and what happens when we release them.

Not only are butterfly books interesting, but they are often beautiful too. This is no surprise since butterflies themselves are quite beautiful. If we were together in the library I would have shared both non-fiction and fiction butterfly books with you while we watched the life cycle process. This is one topic we have many books about!

Here are some of my favourite butterfly/ caterpillar stories:

A Butterfly is Patient by Dianna Hutts Aston and Sylvia Long is a non-fiction book that captivates like a storybook.  This story can be found on Tumblebooks, or listen below as Heather Herbay reads the story.

The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle is a classic that I just had to include here. Enjoy this video of author Eric Carle reading this sweet story.

The Very Impatient Caterpillar by Ross Burach is silly, and fun. Especially when read by Ryan and Craig from Storytime with Ryan & Craig!

 Want to know more!? Here are some learning resources about life cycles and butterflies:

ScienceFlix: Life Cycles

The Blue Morpho: Costa Rica's Beautiful Blue Butterfly

Beginner Caterpillar Links: Usborne

Bug Links: Usborne

Follow the links below for fun butterfly and caterpillar related activities to keep you busy while we wait for the caterpillars to come out of chrysalis:

Butterfly Puzzle

How to Draw a Monarch Butterfly

Butterfly Origami

Guided Butterfly Yoga

Butterfly Art For Kids

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