Wednesday, 10 June 2020

Peaceful Fights for Equal Rights

We are all worthy, valuable, deserving, and important. 

Books have always helped me learn, and now is a time to learn as much as we can about how to be better humans and support people in our community. Follow the link below to some great books for students. ( *Disclaimer: I am not the original creator of this Google slide deck, and haven't been able to find who the creator is.)

Wednesday, 3 June 2020

Ready To Fly!

We had 9 out of our 10 butterflies emerge successfully from their chrysalis. After a few days of drying, and gaining their strength they were ready to be released.

We waited for a sunny day, because we learned that butterflies can not fly if they are cold. They need to warm their wings before taking flight.  While it was super fun having the butterflies here at my house, I am hopeful that next year you will get to see them in the library!